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A New Life-giving Church Forming Now


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Kevyn and Melissa met in a Krystals Restaurant in Montgomery, AL and have grew in God together ever since sharing God's Love around the world. They are fully dedicated and the down to earth yet ever so bold, encouraging, and life-giving leaders of Discovery Life Church. A place for all to experience an authentic and exciting culture and focus on leading people and entire families to a passionate relationship with God.


Kevyn and Melissa for over 15 years have touched lives in leading and serving within church ministries for instance from New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina relief to in Kentucky as Youth Directors, in Iraq baptizing new Believers and in Alabama by providing food for those in need.  Before moving to Central Florida to plant Discovery Life, Kevyn was a highly decorated Army Officer in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. while also serving in the ministry including twice as a Pastor.  Melissa, his best friend is a heavenly songstress with a joyful spirit of love that instantly welcomes all as if you have been friends for years.


Throughout this journey Kevyn and Melissa's infectious passion have been a loving nonjudgmental embrace for people to find Jesus, grow in faith, and walk in God's abundant providence for their lives. It doesn't take long to feel their God's Heart for people and sincere desire to see all people come to live life in Jesus.


In spite of them both being serious "Roll Tide" University of Alabama Football Fans, they reside in FSU, UCF, and UF Fans territory in Central Florida and are happily married with their three children Kevyn II, Kaylun and Summer.






Hey...we get we asked ourselves the same thing as it's a great question.  So here it goes as there are two simple answers as to "Why" which speak to the hearts of everyone:  1) God said to do it. 2) There's a life-threatening need.


NUMBER 1:  Because God said to do it.

That has to be the first reason why any Church starts. Because God spoke it as it has to be a God Thing! I was sitting in my Pentagon Office in 2016 and God said go as I see dead people and they don't even know it. You see my friends, there are countless people in our community living dead lives or lives beneath God's potential in them. 


John 10:10 says it like this: "10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly".


Now, don't get us wrong: yes, there are good churches in the area; however, only 14% of people are connected to a church.  Just think about that.  There are some 375,000 people that live in Ocoee and the surrounding cities of Winter Garden, Orlando and Horizon West. But 322,000 are not connected to a church.  The greater Ocoee area (once a place of division and racial tension) is a perfect place for all people with a diverse community of 47% minority and 20% from other countries. Our heart is to plant a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-generational church in the sweet spot of Central Florida in Ocoee.  This is an transforming time to bring all people together to worship God and make a difference in our community.  So without knowing anyone in Ocoee we obeyed God and stepped out in faith. 


NUMBER 2: There's a life-threatening need.  

I bet everyone in the U.S. can tell you why Central Florida rocks! We have the best of everything from places to live, beaches, restaurants, and theme parks. But there’s another side as 86% of people are walking around dead without a church that they call - My Church! But the local church is still the hope of the broken world we live in today.  And there's never been a time like now. When the love and hope of God through His Local Church is needed like it is today in Central Florida.  We live in the "Happiest Place in the World" but yet under the shadow of Mickey Mouse are hurting people in need.  There are 44,000 people living in homelessness. 50,000 treated for substance abuse.  120,000 youth suffer from depression.  In the Nation, we rank 3rd in Human Trafficking and 20th as a Murder Capital.  But with over 60,000 moving here in 2018 we are the #1 destination in the U.S. and the most influential city in America.  And right now, we have an opportunity to transform into a Gospel Capital instead of a Murder Capital.  The time is now - as there has never been a time like now - when the love and hope of God through His Local Church is needed like it is today in Central Florida.



Hey...we get we asked ourselves the same thing as it's a great question.  So here it goes as there are two simple answers as to "Why" which speak to the hearts of everyone:  1) God said to do it. 2) There's a life-threatening need.


NUMBER 1:  Because God said to do it.

That has to be the first reason why any Church starts. Because God spoke it as it has to be a God Thing! I was sitting in my Pentagon Office in 2016 and God said go as I see dead people and they don't even know it. You see my friends, there are countless people in our community living dead lives or lives beneath God's potential in them. 

Why Denton, Texas?

97 %

97% of counties in the United States have a higher church to population ratio. Denton is equivalent to San Francisco and New York City.

70 %

Denton's population has increased by 70% since the year 2000 with an average increase of 3,200 people per year. The current population is over 140,000 with an additional 60,000 university students.

60 %

2010 data shows that over 60% of Denton does not belong to a church.

John 10:10 says it like this: "10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly".


Now, don't get us wrong: yes, there are good churches in the area; however, only 14% of people are connected to a church.  Just think about that.  There are some 375,000 people that live in Ocoee and the surrounding cities of Winter Garden, Orlando and Horizon West. But 322,000 are not connected to a church.  The greater Ocoee area (once a place of division and racial tension) is a perfect place for all people with a diverse community of 47% minority and 20% from other countries. Our heart is to plant a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-generational church in the sweet spot of Central Florida in Ocoee.  This is an transforming time to bring all people together to worship God and make a difference in our community.  So without knowing anyone in Ocoee we obeyed God and stepped out in faith. 


NUMBER 2: There's a life-threatening need.  

I bet everyone in the U.S. can tell you why Central Florida rocks! We have the best of everything from places to live, beaches, restaurants, and theme parks. But there’s another side as 86% of people are walking around dead without a church that they call - My Church! But the local church is still the hope of the broken world we live in today.  And there's never been a time like now. When the love and hope of God through His Local Church is needed like it is today in Central Florida.  We live in the "Happiest Place in the World" but yet under the shadow of Mickey Mouse are hurting people in need.  There are 44,000 people living in homelessness. 50,000 treated for substance abuse.  120,000 youth suffer from depression.  In the Nation, we rank 3rd in Human Trafficking and 20th as a Murder Capital.  But with over 60,000 moving here in 2018 we are the #1 destination in the U.S. and the most influential city in America.  And right now, we have an opportunity to transform into a Gospel Capital instead of a Murder Capital.  The time is now - as there has never been a time like now - when the love and hope of God through His Local Church is needed like it is today in Central Florida.



We dream of a transformational movement and community of people who will love each other as we do life together and who care about making a difference.   Where you can expect and know that God is always first.  As we believe God is planting Discovery Life to make a difference in the lives of people who come as they will be the change in the lives of people.  We don’t dream of being just another church – no!!  We dream of making things better.

As we like to say: Your LIFE Just Got Better!!



With people from all backgrounds, experiences, and cultures

coming together as one because of Jesus.


A place to be yourself (imperfections and all)

filled with creativity, enthusiasm and love.


An authentic family of young people, children and families and parents and grandparents dedicated to Jesus.


Filled with people striving. People with big hearts and big

dreams and a big capacity to grow in Christ.


A open place equipping and empowering people to be

and do all that God has planned for them.




We exist to transform lives by reaching people in their now and helping them to all

that God has for them.


That ALL PEOPLE journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose and

Make A Difference.


We are a Christian Church Welcoming All


Our culture and your experiences at Discovery Life are guided by our values our DNA which we call - Our Divine 9.   These 9 Values gives practical and tangible guidance in all that we do in living our mission.  They keep us transparent and grounded to God’s mission.


Gospel Centered - We trust in the power of the Gospel unto salvation as we desire to see lives transformed. (Romans 1:16)


God’s Truth – God's Word is our guide, authority and conscience in all that we do. (2 Timothy 3:16)


Prayer - Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  (Philippians 4:6-7)


Be Authentic – Keeping it real!! Authenticity, integrity, openness, and sincerity defines us.  (1 Timothy 1:5)


Worship – Relevant worship impacting both “who we are” and “what we do”, it’s a lifestyle thing. (John 4:23-24)


Everyone is Valuable – You belong. Regardless of age, ethnicity, or whatever. Everyone is somebody.  (1 Corinthians 12:12-13)


Serving Others - We are committed to making a difference through our gifts, talents and resources. (Philippians 2:3b-4)


Relationships  – Living and growing in life together. We love and care for our community (1 Thessalonians 5:11; 14)


The Gospel is Mobile –  The church is not a building -  we are eager to share God’s grace to the world. (Mark 16:15)


Our code supports our Values which are our DNA.  These are 10 Code that keep the vision of Discovery Life clear as we aim to transforming movement of God to all people.



Jesus is the center of everything. Jesus + Nothing = Everything.  Everything – Jesus = Nothing.



Our faith will always reflect the magnitude of God. Since God is big, we will be people of big faith, dreams and expectations.



We do whatever it takes short of sin to reach people who don’t know Jesus and in loving on one another.



God modeled generosity by giving us Jesus. We will always give out of the graciousness and generosity that God has and continues to show us.



Jesus came that we may live life to the fullest! During this journey, we will have fun in our pursuit of all that God has in store for us.



We will fight to protect the purpose and vision of the house, therefore, the poisons of gossip, discord and division are not welcome here.



We believe big and serve a Super-sized God! As we are not  afraid to start small and to go where others won’t go.



The cross gives every human being immeasurable worth. We will treat people with the honor the cross displays and demands they deserve.



It is our heart’s desire to always bring our best. From the greatest to the smallest, everything we do will be as unto God. This is our privilege.



Transformation doesn’t happen in crowds of hundreds but in relationships of few. Growth is a result of understanding we are truly better together.



At Kelly Park Church

A New Life-Giving, Non-denominational Christian Church, Transforming Lives and Communities

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Love Deep to Live Wide!
New nondenominational lifegiving church serving the Kelly Park area and Central Florida to help people Know God, Find Purpose and Discover Life


Life-Church at Kelly Park

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