A Transformation Is Happening
Bridging New and Old
Known by many names the Ocoee to Apopka areas are growing at a rapid pace. It is already the 2nd Largest City area in Central Florida and it appears that weekly more land is being developed, more houses are being built, and more businesses start. But despite this growth it is a area where people are "Thirsty" and seeking God as only 14% have a church home but 80% say that they are searching for the church that fits them.
There is no doubt a transformation is taking place and Discovery Life Church is helping to cultivate the spiritual life of Ocoee to Apopka (North Orlando). We are launching a new church from scratch and we have a place for you.
Come see, we're ALL IN and become a DISCOVERER!!!!

KEVYN BRYANT aka Pastor Kevyn
Lead Pastor
From the Pentagon to the Pulpit * From Soldier to Servant
Pastor Kevyn is passionate about leading, supporting and seeing lives changed with a touch of God’s Love. His heart is for Central Florida and it's people to experience a hopeful, purpose-filled life in Jesus Christ. Kevyn has been married to Melissa since college, she is a heavenly songstress with a nurturing soul of love that welcomes and attracts all. They have three children: Kevyn II, Kaylun and Summer.
Kevyn’s dynamic-uplifting preaching with a warm spirit reaches all over his 15 years in the ministry globally in almost every ministerial position including as Pastor twice. Kevyn and Melissa moved to Central Florida from the Pentagon leaving a 20 year Army Officer Career as a highly decorated combat veteran to follow God’s Call in launching Discovery Life.
Meet Part Of The Launch Team
Starting a church requires a team. These are some of the people who are Discovers and volunteer their time for God's vision. All ages and races coming together to transform our city as they each say: I AM ALL IN

Discovery Life Church is a place to be yourself, make deep connections, and find safe space to explore spirituality.
The people you’ll meet come from every walk of life. We believe that every person has God-stories to tell, so you’ll probably identify with someone you never thought you would.
We’re definitely into Jesus, so we’ll sing some songs to God and we’ll open up the Bible. Everything we do is a chance to learn from the past, make sense of our present, and seek a better future.
We also really believe in treating all people like they are valuable. We won’t force you to the front to confess your sins, but watch out because you might just make a friend and try to get to know them better over coffee.

We're building a new church,
for a growing community
The Plan
In 2016, we started by immersing ourselves in the lives and stories already happening in Orange County and specifically Ocoee to Apopka. Our goal is to make connections, grow relationships, and seek out how Jesus is already at work in town.
In 2017, we began cultivating people interested in forming a new transformative community. Started monthly gatherings, social and hangout in different places to draw people together from Ice Cream Socials in Ocoee to Park Fun Days in Apopka.
In late Fall of 2018, right now, we gather the first 3 Sundays of the month for Pre-Grand Opening Worship Encounters to 1) minister God's Love to all who come 2) To grow the Discovery Life community, our DREAM TEAM for preparations for an incredible Grand Opening in Fall 2019.
SEASON 4: GRAND OPENING AND COMMUNITY IMPACT. As we listen to God as we grow a healthy team, we will launch our regular weekly worship gatherings in the Fall of 2019 through a GRAND OPENING.
Fall 2019 thru 2020, While the worship gatherings are a critical part of a church, it is not the only focus. In fact, launching a new church is not the end, but the beginning. We will continue to gather, grow, and go as we seek to be a positive impact in our communities.
How Can You Help?
We have a place for you here at Discovery Life. You can join with us in many ways
DREAM TEAM or DISCOVERERS: Connect with us as a member of Discovery Life and join whatever interests you. Don't have a talent? Sure you do as the person who comes to events and services has a talent as a dedicated attending Discover. Yes...we need you too.
VISION CARRIERS: Already belong to a church but want to help us launch by contributing financially or in sponsoring the standing up of an activity. Perhaps you sponsor standing up the Kids Church, Nursery, Ignite Teens Center and etc.
LAUNCH MISSIONARY: You don't have to go to a foreign country to be a Missionary. Launch Missionaries connect with us for a specific purpose of standing up a ministry and/or function of Discovery for a period of 6 months, 9 months, or a year.
INTERNSHIPS: We have internships for High School and College Students to gain experience in their interest from Education as a Teacher to Digital Marketing to Video Production and much more. We also have internships for adults with a call on their lives within the ministry.
As a new church we have ways to use all:
Worship (Worship Leader, Band, Singers); Kids Church Leader/Volunteers; Youth Leader/Volunteers; Hospitality/Greeters; Production/Operations; Social Media Team and more.